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Q: How can I contact you as quickly as possible?
A: If you need a cancel an order or need to contact me regarding business inquiries, my business phone number is (407) 732-3412. My business email is
Q: How long from when I order will my prints be shipped?
A: Once it is ordered, prints will take 1-3 days in order to ship. You will get a tracking number sent via text when available.
Q: Once a tracking number is provided, how long will it take to arrive at my house/apartment?
A: Once shipped, it’ll take 3-10 days to arrive at your doorstep.
Q: Is it possible to get a refund?
A: You are able to get a refund if the print has not shipped yet. A refund will not be issued if the print has shipped. If a print arrives damaged, the customer either has a choice of a refund or a replacement print at no cost. The customer must include photos of the print & proof of purchase. Message via (407) 732-3412 for refunds.
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This website serves as my hub. I host my portfolio here as well as my print store. To see click the button on the top left of the page.
Unfortunately due to lack of sales the print store is down until further notice, it is due refurbishment anyways. In the future I'll potentially set up a catalog.
If you are looking to book a cosplay photoshoot for Megacon 2024, CLICK HERE!!!